About us
Our mission
Affiliated with the Cégep de Chicoutimi, the Centre de géomatique du Québec (CGQ) is a college center for the technology transfer (CCTT). Our mandate is to promote innovation with businesses and organizations through research and transfer of geomatics knowledge.
The participation of collegial students in the CGQ’s activities contributes to their experience enrichment and stimulates their interest in scientific careers.
What is geomatics?
This science combines geography and computer science to collect, store, analyse and interpret geographical information. This data is represented in such a way as to make it easier to understand and use in the management of natural and human environments.

Our values
Our creativity helps us offer out of the ordinary solutions.
Pooling our skills brings us to achieve our vision.
Our personal investment in projects contributes to our clients’ success, therefore our own.
Our ability to share helps us create a stimulating, open and inclusive environment.
Our concern for a job well done pushes us to deliver our solutions without delay.

1998 – The Centre de Géomatique du Québec is founded by the Cégep de Chicoutimi. It is certified a college center for the technology transfer (CCTT) conferred by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEES) and by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation (MEI), as well as the status of Technology Access Center (CAT) conferred by Tech-Access Canada.
2005 – Saint-Honoré airport requests for the CGQ assistance for possibilities of drone operations development. The Center then becomes a precursor in the usage of drones as Earth data acquisition platforms.
2008 – CGQ launches a seminar called ‘’Vision Géomatique”. Through the year, this event brings close to a hundred of speakers and presenters along with approximately 300 participants. Later in 2019, the fusion of the ‘’Vision Géomatique ‘’and the ‘’CIDCO Seminar’’ becomes the ‘’Vecteur Seminar’’.
2013 – The silver level of a certification LEED Canada-NC is attributed to the new CGQ office building. The building is energy efficient, architecturally pleasing and adapted to its territory. Over a storey and a half, it has an area of 780 square meters hosting office and laboratory spaces as well as a conference room.
2014 – The CGQ and ING Robotic Aviation are awarded a price of excellence for their partnership during the event ‘’Célébrons le Partenariat de l’Assossiation pour le developpement de la recherche et de l’innovation du Québec’(ADRIQ)’’. The project aimed for the development of drone usage at civil and commercial levels.
2019 – The CGQ participates in the creation of the corporation Hub Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. This space facilitates the collaboration between the business, academic and governmental communities in order to place innovation and economic development within the region.
Today – Proud of the variety in the team skillset, nearing 60 yearly projects bringing turnovers above 2M$, the CGQ has become an essential lever in geomatics innovation and performance for businesses and organizations in the Province of Québec.