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Comité ZIP Côte-Nord du Golfe, Comité ZIP de la Rive Nord de l’Estuaire, Comité ZIP du Sud-de-l’Estuaire, Comité ZIP des Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Comité ZIP Saguenay-Charlevoix, Comité ZIP Gaspésie, Parc Marin du Saguenay-Saint-Laurent


University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, National Institute for Scientific Research, Open Innovation Lab (CCTT)


Quebec Research Fund –  Nature and technologies


This is a co-construction project aimed at encouraging the six marine ZIP committees to explore the use of geomatics in their practices. Through four workshops and field meetings, a co-construction process is set up to develop the capacities of ZIP committees to collect, process, manage and analyze their own geospatial data, and in particular data collected by drone.

Our three main objectives are:

  1. to upgrade the ZIP committees’ capabilities in terms of participatory mapping tools,
  2. develop a prioritization tool to identify areas requiring more detailed monitoring, and
  3. to develop semi-automated analysis tools to meet specific needs.


  1. Co-construction workshop with consultation to assess the different realities in terms of capacities and needs. Based on the results of this consultation, prioritize and develop robust, up-to-date protocols for data collection, processing and management.
  2. Development of an open-access satellite image analysis tool aimed at identifying priority areas to be mapped on a local scale. This prioritization tool will detect changes in coastal zone boundaries and coastal habitats.
  3. Development of an open-access drone imagery analysis tool to analyze data collected in priority areas. The nature of these analyses will be determined during the co-construction process, but could for example target the identification of invasive alien species or the quantification of coastal erosion.


  • Low-cost DJI Mavic Mini drone
  • Low-cost GNSS Emlid Reach
  • Software: QGIS, Open Drone Map, Python


Environmental monitoring

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