Participatory Mapping of Coastal Communities

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ZIP committees Sud-de-l’Estuaire, Saguenay-Charlevoix, Rive-Nord de l’Estuaire, Côte-Nord du Golfe 


University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (UQAC)

University of Quebec at Rimouski (UQAR)

Novika Solutions

Living Lab en innovation ouverte (LLio)


Odyssée Saint-Laurent program from the Réseau Québec Maritime (RQM)


This project enabled four ZIP (zone d’intervention prioritaire / priority intervention zone) committees to improve their practical and theoretical knowledge of coastal territories, with the help of the expertise from a trans-sectoral team of college and university researchers.

In addition to promoting a participatory culture of acquiring quality geospatial and social data, the project’s innovative co-construction method with the ZIP Committees makes them more autonomous.

This also has the advantage of diversifying the players responsible for acquiring fundamental data on the state of the St. Lawrence River system.


Environmental monitoring 

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