Urban mobility: real-time tracking platform

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Civilia Inc.


College Partnership Grants (CPG)


The main objective of the project was to provide Civilia with real-time tracking, planning and decision support tools for use in infrastructure and fleet management. Civilia’s real-time mobility data platform already offered a real-time vehicle data stream, as well as a public network data stream for the Saguenay region in the form of GTFS.

The result of the project presents an easy-to-use and intuitive user interface for monitoring the status of vehicles in public transport. It can support real-time decision-making and supervision of the bus fleet based on current and future vehicle status.

The product not only helps managers and supervisors make timely decisions to mitigate the effects of delays or early arrivals, but also shows potential to help passengers make decisions based on predicted arrival and departure times.


The development of this platform was carried out using open source tools and based on the existing platform.
Processing is carried out in R, and the Web user interface is designed in R Shiny and Leaflet for full compatibility with Civilia’s existing systems and infrastructure.

Real-time vehicle movement data for the Saguenay region is provided to the system as a dynamic GTFS stream, and public transport network data is provided as a static GTFS stream.


R Shiny


Transport and logistics

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